After a great long relaxing summer, my time to head for college was here. Towards the end of August I packed up my Hyundai Tuscon and headed up to Greeley where I would begin my adventure at the University of Northern Colorado. I decided to go into college with a declared major in Nutirtion. I knew I would be taking some harder classes but I will willing to make that sacrifice. Before my classes had began me and my amazing roommates got adjusted. All 4 of us are living in Lawrencson Hall in a sweet style room. It is perfect for all of us because there is just enough space.
Here is a picture of my and one of my roomates Allie. She is from Colorado Springs and is a ball of energy!!! She always knows how to make anyone laugh!

As I began to get adjusted to the college life, I could not believe how different it was compared to being at home! No one is here to tell me what to do... Crazy. I can actually go out on a wednesday night or any other weekday night and not get into trouble! Me and my other roommates took advantage of going out! On the left is Christy she went to high school with me and she is just the sweetest person ever! Again she knows how to make someone laugh! On the right is Briana and she is from Parker. Briana is in the same room as me and we are two crazy people. I love her to death!

Here is a little tour of our room. The suite we are in includes a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and two sperate bedrooms. Below is our living room area. Good for watching movies and tv together or whenever people come over!

This is one of the rooms. Allie and Christy's room is very pink and bright! They have some really cool decorations in their room that makes it really unique. Christy is an artist and she painted a couple things for their room which is really neat!

This is part of the bathroom. In front on both rooms is the sink and mirror area. It is actually pretty big but when all four of us are trying to get ready at once, it can get a little hetic! As you can see all of our straightners and currling irons are always in place. The perfect area for getting ready!!!! We each color cordinated our towels. I am orange, Christy is pink, Allie is yellow, and Bri is green/pink.

Here is the actual bathroom. When we first moved in, everything was all white and gross. Allie's mom made us the shower curtain and she got us a shower rack along with the baskets and shelf! We really made it look nice! It is small but it works for all of us! What is really nice about all four of us is that we all like being clean. Each week we choose an area to clean and make sure that we clean that area really well. I must say our dorm is probably the cleanest!!!

Moving on into the next room. Bri and I share this room and we both have the same type of style!!! Here is a picture of her bed and desk. We put up a lot of things in our room but had a hard time keep them to stay because the sticky tape we use does not work! Thumb tacks we needed eventually even though they are not allowed.

This is my side of the room, I went with a black and white bedding because it matchs with a lot.
Currently, I have a lot more hanging up and I actually put another blanket on top of my bed because I am always cold.

Overall my rooming situation is amazing! I absolutley love my roomates and I am so lucky to have them with me! We have made tons of memories together here and plan on making many more!!!!