Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Today is a very bitterweet day. I have a lot of emotions and thoughts running through my head. Instead of being upset and sad, I am going to be happy and faithful. I know that my mom is no longer here with me but I know that she is always watching me no matter what. She is up with God guiding me through life. My mom always taught me to be positive and strong and to no matter what always be myself. Before she passed away, she made two videos for me. One video was about life in general and her words of wisdom. The other video was about boys. Touchy subject but she had some great things to say that I always think about when it comes to boys!! Mothers know best. My dad however was a lot more strict on boys but he also knew which ones were good to keep. Below is a picture of me and my mom at Huntington Beach in California. We went there during my spring break of 2007.
Me and my mom were and still are Disney freaks. Every year we would take a trip down to Florida or California. We both were just so happy when we went there. With my mom's positive outlook on everything, her cancer was just a little speck in the way of her fun. No matter how sick she was, she wanted everything to be amazing not just for her but for me. Everytime I think about it I want to cry because I feel at points I should have done more to help her. I know that regretting is not going to get me anywhere but to think that I did what I could at the time. This is me and my mom in Disneyland. She is still so beautiful bald!!!
Before my mom passed away, she told me and my Uncle Brian to put her somewhere special. We both were a little confused but then she was like and that special place is Walt Disney World. I was so happy that I could put her in the magical place because each time I was there she could be with me. I cant wait till I can bring my own children there and show them where their amazing grandma wil be!!! Me and my Uncle did fullfill her wish! My mother is now right in front of the Cinderella castle in the rose garden. :) I love you mom and miss you like crazy!

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Love you Jessie! Thanks for sharing your stories.