As many people do say, high school is the best four years of your life. In my opinion, I can agree. I just graduated from Mountain Vista High School and the last four years of my life have yes been fun but yet difficult. I was a very active person at my school and being able to go to school and participate really helped me get through the rough parts. Starting off freshman year, I was scared and very worried about what would happen to me academically. My parents were smart so I knew they could help me with my struggles. My mom at the time was doing great and life for me was good. I tried out for the Varsity Cheerleading Team and made it! Our team was very talented and ended up winning the 5A State Championships along with getting 8th in the nation at the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championships. In a nutshell, my freshman year went very well. I did great with my grades and awesome with my sports.
My Sophomore year was when the tables began to turn. Two days before I started my first day, my mom passed away. My feelings and emotions at the time were all over the place but I had to remain strong. Cheer practice was a great way of getting out my anger and going to talk to my counselor helped me control my emotional break downs. As each month passed things began to get better and I focused more on school and cheer. As the month of December came along, I was thrilled and shocked at the same time. I was thrilled because my high school cheer team won a second state championship and shocked because my dad was then diagnosed with the brain tumor.

After the diagnoses in december, I then continued on with school and also my other sport Track. I also participated in Track my freshman year and was able to High Jump at varsity meets. I progressed well in Track my sophomore year. I was able to tie our school record at 5'0 and was close at making the state championships.

I finished my sophomore year well but with a lot more hope. I began to pray more for my father because I wanted him to stay with me forever. He had a great mind set which made me confident so I started to not worry as much. I entered my Junior year saying whoa I am getting close to being done! I am now a upperclassmen and am ready to take on bigger and better things! Well taking the ACT was not my idea of "better" but hey it was required. I was on the cheer team again but this year we did not do as well as hoped. Me, my dad, and his girlfriend Julie went to ClearWater Beach Florida and had a nice relaxing vacation during my fall break.

A big part of my junior year was cheerleading. I was participating in two different teams, one being a competitive gym called Peak Athletics. I was on their Level 5 team and was very busy traveling and practicing for one competition. Worlds. Eventually, we were able to get a bid to that competition which was PAID! Yea I did not have to pay anything :)

Once cheer and track were over in the spring, my junior year was a lot calmer and relaxed. My grades were not as good that year due to my consistent traveling but I did not fail. One of the biggest highlights of my junior year was when I won the MMCYA Youth Award. I was nominated by my teacher Mrs. Brown and I was lucky enough to be one of the chosen winners. This award was based on students who have gone through hardships but have still given back to the community. I was honored to have been given this award while having my dad still there to watch me receive it :)

2010. My graduating year. I was now officially a senior in high school. YES! Wow these years sure flew by! Senior year was the best year by far. My dad however, was not able to take in the happiness with me. His tumor began to grow rapidly and he was changing into a different person. Without the home stress, school activities really made me feel happy! Powder Puff being one. I was the quarterback and was pretty good :)

After a long hard battle, my dad did pass. I was not going to let my emotions take over though. This was my senior year and I wanted to make the best out of it. I was nominated again for another award and was able to get it! It was the CHSAA All Star Award which was given to high school athletes who have gone though hardships. I was able to get scholarship money which will be used for my college books. Below is a picture with Marsha Neville who was sitting at my table that night I received the award.

The last semester of my senior year finally approached. I wanted to make sure that there was no regrets. I had a bunch of fun that semester with track and with friends. The best part of the semester was Prom. Our prom was located at Red Rocks and was an amazing night! I went with my boyfriend Nick and he made my night even more amazing. I was able to get Prom Queen as well which was a plus! For all those people who voted for me I want to say thank you because that right there shows me how many people really liked me as a person.

My last semester of senior year flew by fast! I was now graduating and moving onto college. I wish my parents could have been with me to share this moment but I knew they were watching above. My graduation was very hot but special. I had a fan club cheering for me as I walked across the stage to get my diploma (which by the way I just got the cover not the diploma). As I walked out of Red Rocks I thought about my years at Mountain Vista and did not regret one thing. High school for me was the time of my life and I am so happy that my parents got to see me get through it in one piece.

ReplyDeleteI love that you are doing this, I hope you keep it up to date through the next chapters of your life... college! We will have to find some great places to eat in Greeley, if all else fails, I think there's a Qdoba there. Your strength and perserverence through everything is always an inspiration to me and many others.
Can't wait to see you next week, Romano's =) Let me know which day works best for you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (early I know!)
Coach Vaughn
Thank you so much vaughn it means a lot to me:)