As I begin to approach my freshman year of college, I want to do as much as I can before I leave. I also want to have a great fun summer so I have something to remember. I first started my summer break 2 weeks into may. Seniors got out earlier then everyone. I had a week off and then on thursday May 20th at Red Rock's Amphitheater I graduated high school. It was a very bittersweet moment for me knowing that I am done with high school. I was happy because I was ready to move on in my life and begin college but I was upset because I wanted to stay at Mountain Vista and make more amazing memories. The good part that I took away from the experience was that I did not regret anything. As I finished high school officially, I was ready for my summer to begin! My first adventure was going to Las Vegas. I was planning on going to Mexico for my senior trip but the things going on down there were not to safe so we decided to go to Sin City!!! At the time, I was 17 years old and in Vegas you have to be 21 to basically do anything you want. At times I did get bored but it was an awesome trip! Her is me and my step mom julie sitting on the balcony at Planet Hollywood. We were able to watch the water show and see interesting people walk by!

The best part of Vegas for me was all of the different shows. Julie was able to get us O tickets and we were able to see Jabbawockeez. O is a circus show that is by far the best I have ever seen. It is a story based show that involves many tricks and acts along with a huge pool of water! For 200 bucks a ticket... It is worth it! It amazed me at how these people could perform without any mistakes! After seeing O, we went and saw Jabbawockeez. Now some people know about these guys and some don't. This group is a dance crew who was on MTV and actually won the show America's Best Dance Crew. It is a hip hop style of dance and it is very fast pace. This show was awesome! The dancing and music was crazy and worth seeing! Another fun adventure in Vegas is the Wax Museum. Almost all of the biggest stars are sculpted into wax and are identical to their match! I took many pictures with the figures. Here below is one with the Blue Man Group which is a show in Vegas as well. I have seen them before and they are awesome! Don't they look real?

We arrived home from Las Vegas and then I was able to hang out with all of my friends and my boyfriend who I missed dearly! I went to the pool a lot and also in the weeks after Vegas I cleaned out my room and started going through my things in our crawl space. I have the need to keep everything I have so by going through things, it is very hard for me to give away things I love. But I have to do it, It will not fit in my dorm! So now each day of the summer I simply go through boxes or tubs and make some hard choices! On June 17th was my 18th birthday! It was such a great birthday and I was able to share it with a bunch of people. I went to the pool with some girls and then at night, Julie, Jenna, Me, Nick, and Nick's parents went to Joe's Crab Shack! Also in our party was momma Mask's friend from Texas. That night I stood on a chair and told the whole place that I was a pretty princess... I had to do it since it was my birthday. It was fun in the end though. Cake and Ice cream was served back at my house and I was able to share the ending moments on my birthday with the people I loved:) A couple days later, Nicks family and I went to see the new Toy Story movie which was awesome. I cried at the end but it is now my favorite movie.

A great memory that I will take away from this summer is the award I was able to get for my dad. Awhile back there was a bad car crash and my dad was on the scene in charge. The person in the car was badly injured and needed to be transported to the hospital right away so my dad called in Air Life which is the helicopter service. Air Life landed and got the patient ready and as they began to take off, the helicopter ran into power lines that were near by. This caused the copter to crash and kill everyone in flight. My dad would never ever forget that day. After that day, he was being honored and blamed for the accident. People accused him of the crash because he was the one to call the copter in. In my eyes and everyone at Air Life thought he was a hero. The accident was not his fault at all. But anyways, after that crash, Air Life started two big events. One is the 5k run and another is a bike ride. This year my dad was honored at the bike ride event and was given a plaque in honor of his hard work. He is a true hero and anyone who would doubt that is an idiot trust me. Here is a picture of the plaque.

At the memorial site, there is a large plaque that is dedicated to that day. My dads name is listed there along with others who took a big role in the accident.

I took away a lot so far during my break and I know I have a lot more to accomplish before I leave! :)
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