I figured out the picture situation better this time. Alright so onto the next part of the introduction. So I ended with the story of my mother and now I move on with my father. My father was such an amazing guy. The best dad in the entire world! He was a Battalion Chief for the Littleton Fire Department and was a very active man. Probably the healthiest guy I knew. After my mom has passed away I then was living full time with my dad. I loved it a lot, I mean I was his #1 and no one could take that away from me! He supported me through every sport and every school activity I did! He was my fan club.

After my mother passed away, things started to become back to normal. My mom passed away 2 days before school so the beginning was a little rough but it did get better. As fall came about, I was cheering non-stop and doing schoolwork non-stop. Life was getting back to normal and I was mentally getting better until I hit a brick wall. In December I was told that my father had a stage 4 brain tumor also known as a Glioblastoma. My life stopped in its tracks. So many things were running through my head at once and I could not believe this. Well, the doctors did remove this tumor which was good but since I was so oblivious and no one mentioned to me that this tumor could not be cured I was hopeless about the surgery even working! The tiny micro cells of cancer were still in his brain and they would begin to feed off the blood and grow. I know I am getting technical but for my senior project I researched this bad boy and became more knowledgeable about the Glioblastoma. Anyways, my dad was still strong and he took the treatment well.

My dad was not an emotional guy at all. He was always positive and strong and was never negative about this cancer beating him. He still worked out everyday and did his normal routine like nothing was wrong. Now lets fast forward about a year and a half so I was beginning my senior year of high school. That summer the tables turned and everything went downhill. My dad was now a whole different person. His speech was beginning to fade and his memory was too. This tumor was pressing on so much that he was no longer Jeff Christ. The fall season pushed on and eventually, my dad passed away peacefully with his family by his side along with other close friends there with us all.

After my dad passed, I no longer had parents. I know that may sound bad but it is true. Both of my closest family members died and I was left with a big question mark ?
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